Product photography services in Milan
Product photography in Milan for e-commerce, website and promotion on flyers or brochures.
White background photo shoots of objects for Amazon or other on-line sales platforms.
Realisation of photographic catalogues of jewellery or worn accessories. Food and beverage photo shoots.
Photo shoot for beauty products
I shoot still-life for cosmetics and beauty product companies for their online or printed catalogue.
I also do photo shoots to promote treatments at beauty or medical studios to be published on website, Instagram
or other social media to promote their business.
See also Location Photography page.
Still-life of bottles for e-commerce in Milan

Photographic shots of worn jewellery
Still-life photo shoots for costume jewellery, jewellery or other accessories such as scarves for e-commerce sales.
Shoots of accessories worn by a model can also be realised at a photo studio or other location.
Food photography services in Milan
Photos taken for the food magazine ‘Cotto e Mangiato Magazine’, Conti Editore